
St. Croix Administrator Aims to Overturn New Trash Law Fines for Christiansted Business Owners



St. Croix Administrator Samuel Sanes is advocating for the rescission of fines levied against Christiansted business owners who were cited for violating a recently enforced trash law. These business owners claim they were unaware of the regulations. Mr. Sanes also seeks to engage with V.I. Waste Management Authority (WMA) officials to reconsider the enforcement strategies for this statute.

On May 23, WMA enforcement officers approached Christiansted business owners about their waste disposal methods. Upon learning that these businesses were using public trash receptacles, officers issued citations for violating VI Code Title 19, subsection 1563, which requires businesses to use the Anguilla Landfill or a commercial trash hauler. The sudden enforcement left many local business owners, including Maria Banwaree of Unique by Maria Banwaree Art Studio and Boutique, feeling distressed. Ms. Banwaree stated she was unaware of the law and felt coerced into signing the citations under threat of arrest. A week later, Mr. Sanes visited her store to personally apologize for the incident.

“He said in the name of the VI government he wants to apologize. He said that a couple of times. He says he feels so bad because we the people in Christiansted don’t need this,” Ms. Banwaree told this reporter. According to her, Mr. Sanes approached her following a meeting with WMA Executive Director Roger Merritt.

“I’ve spoken numerous times to the executive director for Waste Management, basically asking him to see if the charges can be dropped. I truly believe that a more comprehensive approach should have taken place. In other words, advise the business owners on the rules and regulations,” Mr. Sanes said.

Mr. Sanes noted the conflicting narratives—business owners claiming ignorance of the law, while WMA insists that a town hall meeting and other warnings were issued. He recommended to Mr. Merritt that all citations and fines be annulled, followed by a months-long informational campaign to ensure compliance among local businesses.

While proposing changes to the enforcement strategy, Mr. Sanes also questioned the practicality of the law, especially for very small businesses like Boardwalk vendors who generate minimal trash. “Are we going to demand that one vendor, which is a table, actually get a hauler, a trash hauler? For what, the possibility of a small bag of trash?” he asked. “It’s something that we really need to go back and explore.”

Mr. Sanes believes the law should be reconsidered, given the financial hardships Christiansted businesses have faced due to prolonged road repairs and closures. “It is a hardship for many small businesses at this time. So that’s one of the reasons why I approached Waste Management and I told them, let’s start all over again,” he said.

In response to her interaction with Mr. Sanes, Ms. Banwaree decided to collaborate with other nearby businesses to collectively engage a trash hauler. “We are organizing ourselves in advance, because we understand if we have information that we need to follow the law and follow the rules. But the thing is, they come before saying anything to us, just with the fine,” she said. She remains hopeful that the original fine will be reversed. “I hope that Mr. Sanes says the truth and I hope that the government really takes action,” Ms. Banwaree said.

In contrast, another business owner, Jan Mitchell of Mitchell Larsen Studio, who also received a citation and fine, was unaware of any efforts by Mr. Sanes to rescind the fines or any updates on the situation. “Maybe the whole thing will just pass and it’ll be fine with me. I hate making waves, I’m just not that kind of person, but I’m not going to not do anything if it calls for it. So we’ll see—it’ll play out,” she said.

As of press time, Mr. Merritt has not responded to numerous requests for comment, nor has WMA issued an official statement on the matter.

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