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Department of Education Seeks Approval for FEMA-Funded Rebuild of St. Croix Central High School at Upcoming CZM Meeting



Entrance of the St. Croix Central High School

The V.I. Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR) has announced a pivotal St. Croix Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 20, at 5:30 p.m. via Microsoft Teams. Key topics include the proposed rebuilding of St. Croix Central High School using FEMA funds.

DPNR Commissioner Jean-Pierre L. Oriol stated that the agenda would highlight several vital infrastructure projects aimed at bolstering the island’s resilience and community amenities. The primary focus will be on the V.I. Department of Education’s proposal, under Federal Consistency Determination No. CZM0028-23, seeking approval to utilize FEMA funds for the demolition and reconstruction of St. Croix Central High School. This significant project, located at Track 3 Upper Bethlehem in Christiansted, represents a major initiative to modernize the island’s educational infrastructure.

The committee will also deliberate on enhancements to Highway 75. Under Federal Consistency Determination No. CZM0017-23, the V.I. Department of Public Works intends to improve roadway geometry, install underground electrical distributions, and make several other safety and accessibility improvements along the north shore road west of Christiansted.

Another major item on the agenda is the V.I. Water and Power Authority’s (WAPA) proposal, under Federal Consistency Determination No. CZM0005-24, to use FEMA funds for burying utility lines along Queen Mary Highway to VITEMA Road. This project aims to enhance the electrical power resilience for the VITEMA Headquarters and nearby residents.

Public testimony will be welcomed during the hearings on the highway and utility projects, but no testimonies will be heard during the decision meeting on the high school project.

Interested parties can participate or view the proceedings with the following meeting details:

  • Meeting ID: 290 917 297 230
  • Passcode: aoPusj

Relevant documents and additional information are available on the DPNR website under the Federal Consistency and permitting sections. This meeting highlights the Virgin Islands government’s ongoing efforts to address critical infrastructure needs by effectively leveraging federal funds to ensure the territory’s resilience and development.

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Gifft Hill School Graduates Awarded Ruby Rutnik Scholarship



Two Gifft Hill School graduates have been awarded the prestigious Ruby Rutnik Scholarship for the 2024-25 academic year. De-necia Baxter and Liandra Dagou, both aspiring nursing students, will each receive $2,500 towards their tuition as they embark on their college journeys at the University of the Virgin Islands.

De-necia Baxter and Liandra Dagou, recognized for their academic achievements and community involvement, were selected for their commitment to pursuing nursing degrees. Their passion for healthcare and dedication to their studies have set them apart as deserving recipients of this scholarship, which honors the memory of Ruby Rutnik, a former standout softball player and beloved member of the St. John community.

The Ruby Rutnik Scholarship Fund, established in memory of Ruby Rutnik who tragically passed away in 1996, has been supporting young women from St. John in their educational pursuits for over two decades. Ruby’s parents created the fund and a related softball tournament to provide financial assistance to students, ensuring that her legacy continues to inspire and support the community she loved. The scholarship has awarded over $199,000 to more than 60 recipients since its inception.

De-necia Baxter and Liandra Dagou’s selection underscores the fund’s mission to empower young women through education. Both students have expressed their gratitude and excitement for the opportunities this scholarship will provide as they start their college careers.

De-necia Baxter has been actively involved in various community service projects and has shown a strong interest in healthcare from a young age. Her dedication to her studies and her compassionate nature make her an ideal candidate for the nursing program at the University of the Virgin Islands. Liandra Dagou, equally passionate about healthcare, has excelled academically and participated in numerous extracurricular activities. Her commitment to helping others and her academic prowess have earned her this well-deserved recognition.

The Ruby Rutnik Scholarship not only provides financial support but also serves as a tribute to Ruby’s enduring spirit and the positive impact she had on those around her. The scholarship fund continues to receive support from the community, with contributions ensuring that more young women can achieve their educational goals.

Contributions to the Ruby Rutnik Scholarship Fund can be made by sending checks payable to Gifft Hill School, noting RRSF on the memo line, to GHS, PO Box 1657, St. John, VI 00831. This support is crucial in maintaining the scholarship and honoring Ruby Rutnik’s legacy for future generations.

As De-necia Baxter and Liandra Dagou prepare to begin their college education, the Gifft Hill School community celebrates their achievements and looks forward to their future successes in the field of nursing.

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Virgin Islands Students Shine in Academic Excellence Across U.S. Colleges and Universities



The Virgin Islands Daily News proudly recognizes the academic achievements of Virgin Islands students who have been named to the Dean’s List for the Spring 2024 semester at their respective colleges and universities. This honor is awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and academic prowess, maintaining high grade point averages amidst their rigorous coursework.

Warner University

Warner University announced its Spring 2024 Dean’s List, celebrating the exceptional academic achievements of 225 students from both graduate and undergraduate programs. This recognition reflects their outstanding performance and commitment to academic excellence throughout the semester​ (Warner University)​.

Fisk University

At Fisk University, several Virgin Islands students were acknowledged for their academic success. The Dean’s List at Fisk University requires students to achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or higher. This semester, students like Ann Ebhounu and Jessica Grimes have showcased their hard work and dedication, earning a spot on this prestigious list​ (Fisk University)​.

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

N.C. A&T State University also highlighted its students’ achievements, with several from the Virgin Islands making it to the Dean’s List. The university prides itself on inspiring students to exceed expectations and achieve remarkable success in their academic endeavors​ (NCAT)​.

Augusta University

Augusta University recognized its top-performing students for the Spring 2024 semester. The institution, known for its world-class academic and social community, commended its Virgin Islands students for their outstanding academic records, which have positioned them for future opportunities and success​ (Augusta University)​.

Sauk Valley Community College

Sauk Valley Community College included Virgin Islands students in its Dean’s List, acknowledging their impressive academic achievements. The college encourages a balance between coursework and extracurricular activities, supporting students in reaching their full academic potential​ (Sauk Valley Community College)​.

These recognitions across various institutions highlight the significant presence and impact of Virgin Islands students in higher education. Their achievements not only bring pride to their families and communities but also set a high standard for future generations. The dedication and hard work of these students exemplify the values of perseverance and academic excellence.

The Virgin Islands Daily News extends heartfelt congratulations to all the students who have earned a place on the Dean’s List for the Spring 2024 semester. Their success serves as an inspiration to all aspiring scholars from the Virgin Islands.

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Charlotte Amalie High School Graduates Celebrate Success and Perseverance



Charlotte Amalie High School celebrated its 93rd graduation ceremony on Thursday, with 187 graduates, known as Chicken Hawks, gathering in the school auditorium alongside family, friends, and well-wishers.

Principal Angel Petrus hailed the year as one of “great accomplishments and moments to be proud of and to celebrate.” Rather than dwelling on the disruptions caused by the pandemic, Petrus highlighted notable achievements. These included the JROTC battalion’s victory in the inter-island drill competition, triumphs in the territorial moot court competition, and championship titles in basketball, volleyball, and soccer. Academically, the class excelled with 113 students graduating with honors and 42 receiving high honors. Additionally, 51 seniors were inducted into the National Honor Society, and six were recognized as AP scholars. Three students gained early admission to the University of the Virgin Islands, and 71 obtained certifications in technical and vocational subjects.

District Superintendent Dr. Stefan Jurgen emphasized the power of self-belief in his address before presenting awards to the valedictorian and salutatorian. “If you believe you can, or cannot – you’re absolutely correct… It’s the power of your mind,” he remarked.

Education Commissioner Dr. Dionne Wells-Hedrington encouraged graduates to embrace their unique gifts. “One of the things I think that we struggle with today is trying to fit into some kind of mold of what a successful person looks like,” she said. “All of us were born to be unique; that’s why we all look different. We’re not meant to fit into anybody’s mold.”

Salutatorian Karra Henderson reflected on her transition from a small private middle school to a large public high school. She credited her success to her hard work and the support system around her. “This recognition is not just a testament to my hard work and dedication, but also the incredible support system that has surrounded me,” she said, calling her high school experience transformative.

Valedictorian Maleah Davis acknowledged the challenges faced by her classmates. “The two years of isolation brought with us an uneasiness and loneliness that time has yet to fix,” she said. However, she expressed pride in her peers, noting the diverse futures ahead of them, from entrepreneurs to healthcare professionals.

Keynote speaker Ivo Philbert, a 1984 CAHS alumnus, praised the resilience of the graduating class and urged them to remain true to their identity as Chicken Hawks. “You got this, because you are Chicken Hawks,” he said. Philbert highlighted successful Virgin Islanders like Aliyah Boston and Theron Thomas, urging graduates not to feel limited by their island background.

Governor Albert Bryan Jr. praised the school’s “culture of excellence” and stressed the importance of community support. He commended the graduates for their achievements and encouraged them to remain bold and authentic. “You have many mountains to climb and many, many, many graduation stages to walk across. Be bold, be yourself,” he concluded.

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