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USVI Community Pulse

Waste-to-Energy Initiative Aims to Transform St. John’s Environmental Landscape



Waste-to-energy or energy-from-waste is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity or heat from the primary treatment of waste. Environmentally friendly. Cubes of pressed metal beer and soda cans. SSUCv3H4sIAAAAAAAEAJ2RTW7DIBCF95V6B4u1LRlj4rhXiboYYOKO4pgKcKoo8t0D/pFYd8f7Zh7MG16fH0XBFHjS7Kt4JRU1jePsg4NAdoq4LneOhoJ1BGOCiS1rhfkAYfbo0xU70hBwiL0b3P3HO5dNF0dhLUZHLDFWZszPamUHWsp/O7fD9xEFBpz0cx04C+JwRNiCXLZWdvsL6O55tAcZtJmG2ZDNUj6shjEZRHbzryNN05DZbPhBl28srtzeMzDZsE6yB2MmrjRJLrgUfd01/Vk2p3PDa3Z8g9U3MvmsZJKjkUq0V3WtVMdF1XYgK+g4VBLbnnfihNzIuKnlDc3uP6oOAgAA

During the Public Services Commission’s (PSC) monthly meeting on Tuesday, Advanced Sustainable Technologies Limited (AST Cleantech) reintroduced its proposal to build a waste-to-energy plant on St. John. The project, long touted by AST, aims to generate nearly one megawatt of electricity while managing the island’s waste. However, the venture hinges on agreements with the V.I. Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) and the V.I. Water and Power Authority (WAPA).

AST Group CEO Dan Levin reported that the final design plans are nearing completion, with financial backing secured from a U.S. bank for the entire project. Engineering partners and land in Florida for fabrication and testing have also been arranged. “We expect to start construction and fabrication in the coming months,” Levin stated, projecting the unit to be operational in Florida within 10 months, followed by two months of testing. The unit is anticipated to be installed at St. John’s transfer station within 12 to 13 months, with a startup planned by the end of 2025. The installation cost is estimated at $10 million.

In response to PSC Commissioner David Hughes’ inquiry, Levin assured that the waste-to-energy process produces no residual waste, yielding only electricity and an inorganic crystal byproduct. The gases from waste decomposition are cleaned and used in gas turbines, producing emissions significantly lower than natural gas. The closed system design mitigates odor and noise, with current operations in Seattle, Washington, the Czech Republic, and Germany meeting stringent environmental standards.

Commissioner Hughes highlighted the need for AST to coordinate with VIWMA and WAPA, despite their current challenges. Levin mentioned that a draft power purchase agreement with WAPA is expected to be finalized soon, although the agreement with VIWMA, which involves no tipping fees, remains pending. He sought the PSC’s assistance in expediting this process.

Hughes encouraged AST to work closely with the PSC’s general counsel and executive director on agreements with regulated utilities to ensure seamless progress. He emphasized the importance of being prepared to fully agree when the project moves forward. Levin projected that the plant’s power production capacity could reach about 10 gigawatts annually.

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USVI Community Pulse

Generator Safety and Maintenance: Essential Tips for V.I. Residents



With a busy hurricane season underway and frequent WAPA power outages, residents across the Virgin Islands are reminded of the importance of safely operating generators during electrical failures.

Generators are invaluable during power outages, but improper use can pose significant dangers, including the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

“Carbon monoxide, or CO, is known as the ‘invisible killer’ because it’s a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas,” according to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). “More than 200 people in the United States die annually from accidental non-fire-related CO poisoning associated with consumer products, with nearly 100 of those deaths linked to portable generators,” the CPSC reports.

Portable generators operating on fuels like gasoline, propane, or diesel emit high levels of toxic CO fumes. The CPSC highlights that a single portable generator can produce the same amount of carbon monoxide as hundreds of cars.

To ensure safe generator use and avoid carbon monoxide exposure, the CPSC advises:

  • Never use portable generators inside homes or garages, even if doors and windows are open. Use generators outside only, at least 20 feet away from homes, with exhaust facing away.
  • Install battery-operated CO alarms or CO alarms with battery backup on every level of the home and outside sleeping areas. Interconnected CO alarms are best; when one sounds, they all sound.
  • Recognize symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning: headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, and confusion. If CO poisoning is suspected, get outside to fresh air immediately and call 911.

Generators powered by solar energy do not emit poisonous gases and are a viable option for residents to consider.

Operating a generator safely can help reduce risks of carbon monoxide poisoning, fires, or electrocution. (Photo courtesy FEMA)

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) warns that using a generator can pose additional hazards, including electrocution and fire risks. FEMA provides these safety guidelines:

  • Always use heavy-duty extension cords to connect the generator to appliances.
  • Do not connect the generator directly to your home’s power supply, as it can increase voltage or cause a surge in outside power lines, potentially injuring utility workers and bypassing household circuit protection devices.
  • Hire a qualified electrician to install the appropriate equipment per local electrical codes, or request your utility company to install a proper power transfer switch.

Operating a generator in a dry area is crucial to avoid electrocution risks. FEMA also advises:

  • Keep your generator and fuel outside.
  • Store fuel in properly labeled, non-glass safety containers outside living areas.
  • Do not store fuel near fuel-burning appliances to prevent ignition from vapors.
  • Turn off and cool the generator before refueling to prevent ignition from spilled fuel or vapors.

Generator safety tips from the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (Photo courtesy NWS)

Generator Maintenance

Regular maintenance ensures a generator’s reliability and safety. Consumer Reports recommends testing the machine at least twice a year and emptying the fuel tank when not in use. Regularly replacing and cleaning generator components is also advised. Check the engine oil level and maintain it at the “full” mark on the dipstick. If issues arise, contact the manufacturer if under warranty or reach out to a repair shop.

Charlotte Wardell from Import Supply V.I., a generator sales and service business in St. Thomas, advises that all generators meet Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources qualifications. Oil changes should occur at least once a year or every 250 hours of use. During extended outages, keeping oil filters on hand is recommended.

Generators should only be used in dry areas, away from water or wet conditions, and never during a storm to reduce the risk of electrocution.

USVI Weather Information

With an active 2024 Atlantic hurricane season anticipated, increasing the risk of weather-related power failures, V.I. residents should stay updated with the latest forecasts. Weather information is available from the National Weather Service, the Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency, and the Source Weather Page, which offers daily forecasts and disaster preparedness videos. Residents can also sign up for power outage alerts from the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority.

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USVI Community Pulse

How Fiction Shapes Politics in Tight-Knit Island Communities



In small communities, politics often intertwines with personal relationships and familiar faces, making the landscape ripe for fiction to flourish over fact. The potency of fiction in such settings stems from several key factors: the close-knit nature of relationships, the impact of narratives on identity, and the rapid spread of information through informal networks.

In these communities, everyone knows everyone else, or at least knows someone who knows someone else. This interconnectedness means that personal relationships heavily influence political opinions and decisions. A compelling story, even if not entirely true, can resonate deeply because it often involves people within the community. The emotional weight of a narrative involving a neighbor or local figure can overshadow cold, hard facts. Fiction, by appealing to emotions, can quickly gain traction and influence opinions more effectively than dry statistics or factual reports.

Collective identity and belonging are paramount in small communities. Stories and narratives that align with the community’s sense of self can be incredibly persuasive. Fictional accounts that reinforce shared values, fears, or hopes can become powerful tools for shaping public opinion. These stories often become part of the community’s lore, repeated and embellished over time, further entrenching their influence. When a narrative resonates with the community’s identity, it becomes more believable and impactful, even if it diverges from the truth.

Information in small communities spreads quickly through informal networks. Gossip, word of mouth, and social gatherings are primary channels of communication. In these settings, sensational stories, even if fictional, are more likely to be shared and remembered than mundane facts. The more dramatic or emotionally charged a story, the faster it travels. This rapid dissemination can amplify the influence of fiction, making it a powerful force in shaping public perception and political discourse.

People naturally seek out information that confirms their preexisting beliefs, a phenomenon known as confirmation bias. In small communities, where people often share similar backgrounds and viewpoints, this bias can be particularly strong. Fictional stories that align with the community’s collective beliefs and experiences are readily accepted and propagated. Facts that contradict these narratives are often dismissed or ignored, allowing fiction to maintain its hold on the community’s political landscape.

Fiction often simplifies complex issues, making them more accessible and emotionally engaging. In contrast, factual information can be complicated and nuanced, requiring more cognitive effort to understand. In a busy community where people have limited time and resources to delve into detailed analyses, a straightforward, emotionally charged story is more likely to capture attention and influence opinions. The simplicity of fiction allows it to be easily remembered and repeated, reinforcing its impact over time.

In small communities, the power of fiction in politics cannot be underestimated. The close-knit nature of relationships, the importance of identity, the rapid spread of information through informal networks, confirmation bias, and the emotional appeal of simplicity all contribute to the potency of fictional narratives. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for navigating and engaging with the political landscape in small communities, where the line between fact and fiction often blurs, and stories shape the reality of political life.

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USVI Community Pulse

Kelly Pugh Named Local Realtor of the Year, Recognized for Community Engagement and Leadership



ST. CROIX — Kelly Pugh, a dedicated realtor with REMAX USVI for the past five years, has been honored with the prestigious title of local Realtor of the Year. This recognition, awarded at the recent Virgin Islands Realtors general meeting, highlights Pugh’s significant contributions to her community and her active involvement with the Board of Realtors.

Pugh’s commitment to community service is also reflected in her membership with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., known for its emphasis on public service. She has been a board member since 2021, serving as vice president in 2023 and president-elect the following year. As she prepares to assume the role of president next year, Pugh plans to focus on leadership, training, and increasing realtor and community engagement on St. Croix.

In collaboration with Christopher Jones, Pugh co-founded the Ay & Ay Realtor Team, under the guidance of broker Ava Gail Bourdon. The team’s name pays homage to St. Croix’s indigenous Tainos, who referred to the island as “Ay-Ay,” and incorporates the Rastafarian phrase “I and I.”

Pugh notes the dual aspects of her profession, from the joy of handing keys to first-time homebuyers to the challenges of limited housing inventory on the islands. The current high-interest rates further complicate matters, reducing buyers’ purchasing power. “It’s difficult when potential buyers qualify for a $250,000 home, but there aren’t any available in that price range,” she explained, adding that cash buyers often outbid those seeking financing.

Looking to the future, Pugh intends to expand her operations to St. Thomas and St. John, aiming to recruit new team members to tap into a broader market. Her recognition as Realtor of the Year will take her to Boston in November to attend the National Association of Realtors meeting, where international realtors will gather to celebrate the 2024 awardees.

Pugh remains accessible to new clients and colleagues via text, email, or phone at 340-725-5066. More information can be found on her website, [email protected].

For those considering a career in real estate, Pugh advises seeking mentorship from experienced professionals and underscores the need for patience. “The real estate community is full of helpful professionals willing to share their knowledge,” she said. “But it’s important to be patient, as returns on investment in this field are not immediate.”

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