Carmen Nibbs, a St. Thomian artist and doll stylist, is currently presenting her collection of madras fashion dolls at the Orlando Science Center. This exhibit is...
In a groundbreaking initiative, the University of the Virgin Islands Center for Excellence in Leadership and Learning (UVI CELL) is joining forces with various prominent organizations...
The Water and Power Authority (WAPA) has updated its distribution plan for water filters, now centralizing the activity exclusively in Frederiksted from January 18 to 20....
The U.S. Department of Labor has recently launched a comprehensive safety program aimed at decreasing workplace injuries and fatalities in the tree and landscaping sectors within...
In a devastating turn of events in Puerto Rico, a drive-by shooting in the eastern coastal town of Ceiba has tragically ended the lives of five...
U.S. Virgin Islands athletes are making a name for themselves in the world of track and field, showcasing their talents both on local grounds and international...
Puerto Rico’s innovative approach to integrating rooftop solar panels into its energy infrastructure is yielding significant benefits. The initiative involves using batteries linked to these panels...
The U.S. Virgin Islands Office of Veterans Affairs is launching an innovative initiative, the “Veterans Discount Program,” inviting local businesses to join in honoring our Veterans....
A pivotal judgment was handed down this Tuesday by a federal judge, thwarting JetBlue Airways’ ambitious plan to purchase Spirit Airlines for $3.8 billion. The judge...
On the early morning of Christmas Eve, a family disturbance in Catherine’s Rest, St. Croix, prompted police intervention. Jamisha Bethelmie, the central figure in this incident,...